Friday, June 29, 2018


Sybil Blackmon is in command of an Alliance Space Ship, trying to return to Earth. An electron storm wrecks havoc on the ship and during the storm, her team discovers a container aimlessly moving through space.
The crew investigate and find the body of a woman, an officer in the Alliance Fleet, who has been listed dead for nearly a decade. Finding the body creates many questions and few answers.

Sybil learned it may be possible to bring the body back to life. She works with her science team to find the right solution. Bringing the girl back to life becomes an obsession for the Alliance Captain.

The seemingly impossible happens and the dead girl, Ana, slowly returns to life, and the beautiful patient is still the object of the Captain's desire. But Sybil learns that Ana's past is full of secrets and a passionate romance.

Sybil's infatuation for Ana, creates stress in their relationship. The balancing of being Ana's superior officer and also her lover, threatens to derail the budding romance.


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