Monday, September 27, 2021

The Space Defense Probe

 Dora Strong is an outstanding and motivated Midshipman in the solar systems' main keeper of law and order, The Space Defense.


Early in the 22nd century, the planetary alliances have looked to The Space Defense team for a means of providing law and order in the solar system and beyond. That military organization depends on the Space Defense Academy to provide capable leadership from its Midshipmen ranks.

Dora Strong is one of those midshipmen in The Space Defense, something she dreamed of becoming since she was young. Highly motivated, Dora excels at all phases of the training and is highly rated by both her training instructors and her Commanding Officer Captain Charlotte Grimm.

Her excellent qualifications lead to special testing using the procedure commonly referred to as The Wicked Examination Apparatus. Dora emerges from the testing with some of the highest scores, but she gets a shock when she finds what assignment she has qualified for. What the tests discovered was that Dora was a submissive, a much-needed talent in The Space Defense.

It is in her debriefing with Captain Grimm she learns what her new duties with entail. The captain puts Dora through her rigorous paces, and the highly motivated Midshipman performs so well she leaves Captain Grimm breathless and exhausted and nude in the throes of orgasm.

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Thursday, September 23, 2021



A wanton and soulless consciousness free-floats through a spectral landscape littered with naïve dreamlike figures, awaiting their next titillating experience.

A consciousness, that sees itself as a Succubus; an entity that is the essence of evil and debauchery, it controls unsuspecting innocent hosts and feeds on their sexual experiences. Once the entity has satisfied her needs she cast the hosts aside.

The hosts experience the entity in a dreamlike state, as she takes them through one promiscuous encounter after another, Perhaps a public restroom, where the host accommodates two lusty ladies.

The consciousness has a knack for random encounters. Like the hapless host that is led to a lesbian affair with her High School English teacher aboard a luxury cruise ship. Or the host sunbathing by the ocean drawn into a very public display of filthy sexual contact in the sand on the beach with female a bodybuilder.

However the entity has one Achilles Heel and though she meticulously avoids that danger, one host wields the power to finally tame the entity, by not allowing it to cast its host aside.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021


A young couple attends a Halloween party dressed as the opposite sex. They took home first prize and unexpectedly a lot more. 

A young couple, Larry and Sharon try to do up Halloween in a big way, first by attending a very exclusive costume party. The preparation the two put into their outfits paid off handsomely by winning first prize. With the aid of a set of rings Sharon bought at an estate sale, the two were able to pose convincingly as the opposite sex.

What they didn't know was that the effects of the rings that enhanced their appearance were not temporary and the unwitting couple were unable to reverse the effects. Confused and scared, neither of them was sure what their next move should be.

Trying to find a solution to the awful mystery they look at the rings again and the box they came in. They find a false bottom in the ring box and learn the entire story of the last people that were involved with the rings. As if a voice from the grave the letter is an ominous warning of the curse to anyone using the rings.

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Thursday, September 9, 2021

 An 8 Story Compilation 


Lesbian Sci-Fi Erotica

Erotic Stories of Lesbian Sci-fi featuring: Night Mares, Alternate Realities, Space and Time Travel, Telepathic Serial Killers, Sexy Scuffles, Dystopian Worlds & Alien Abductions.


Included in the collection:

1. Foreshadowing: A part-time lesbian prostitute Steph, is plagued by a recurring nightmare filled with danger and a beautiful brown-haired girl.

2. Leaking Dimensions: In the future, research scientist Alicia Andrews, confronts spurned lover Dawn, who has intermingled alternate realities to with our own, igniting a universal catastrophe.

3. L.A.W.: ‘Life And Water, or the conglomerate that controls the water in the dystopian future. Teen Diane joins a rogue group to force to release its chokehold on the water supply.

4. Breeding & Other Hermetic Motifs: Many centuries in the future, many inhabitants of Earth seek a better life on a remote planet Pestusiam, in a galaxy many light-years from Earth.

5. Snatched: Professor Karla Frazer, an author, and authority on UFOs and Alien Abductions, is herself abducted by a pair of Abisimian aliens.

6. A Grave Call: Two women talk to each other from different periods in time. The mystery of the call eludes everyone but one woman. To her, it is a devastating memory.

7. The Journey Home: Many eons in the future, two descendants of Earth Winifrid and Kenzie have never been to their home planet and decide to travel there.

8. The Feel of Steel: Andrea and Heather try to solve the case of on an elusive serial killer who uses telepathy to kill her victims.

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Monday, September 6, 2021

 Gangs of the Apocalypse

A homeless teen, Skye tries to exist in the post-apocalyptic world of Oberon where only females following an alien war and the planet is run by vicious sex-crazed girl gangs.

Skye is a homeless teen doing her best to exist in the post-apocalyptic world of Oberon. Unknown invaders came and abducted all the male population leaving the world to be run by vicious girl gangs. Other gangs exist but away from the dominating gangs by living in the abandoned subway tunnels. Leaving the surface of the planet in control of the sex-crazed girl gangs.

There also exists a group of women called the Venerables that unofficially watch over the weaker or helpless population. Skye has caught the eye of one Venerable Sierra and has the feeling the two of them could be lovers. After a brief interlude at a celebration Sierra makes love to Skye, but then mysteriously leaves while Skye is asleep.

The teen decides with the urging of her friends to find the Venerable. Unfortunately, the Venerables too, live on the surface of the planet so Skye must risk life and limb to find Sierra, it the strange and dangerous surface world.

Skye falls prey to a sex gang on her search lead by a tall beautiful and deadly woman known as the Meeka. Things look pretty dark for Skye as she is subjected to more debauchery and abuse than she could ever imagine. Her chances of finding the elusive Sierra seem very bleak.

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Friday, September 3, 2021


A Star Cruiser lands on a distant planet and the peculiar inhabitants of the planet Charon give the crew a unique lesson in biology and sexology.

Captain Jessica Shields is in command of the Star Cruiser Traveler exploring uncharted space in the Milky Way galaxy.. She and her crew have discovered a planet nearly 20 light-years from earth called Charon. The planet is populated with beautiful diminutive beings and possess blue-colored skin.

Jessica is immediately aware of the youthfulness of the indigenous people and of their attractive looks. Wishing to proceed with the diplomatic situation she agrees to meet with one of the leaders of the planet and Sator Myrrh and is invited to her home for dinner and to meet her family.

Jessica and Myrrh discuss possible trade agreements and even the biological differences between the people of Earth and those of Charon. The astonishing thing Jessica learns is the sexual metamorphosis the Charonese undergo in their lifetime and the puzzling manner in which they approach sexual activity and reproduction..

Before Myrrh can simplify the puzzling situation for Jessica, Myrrh's daughter comes to call them for dinner. Struck by the sheer beauty of the young girl Jessica is even more fascinated by the fact that the daughter offers to explain the sexuality of the Charonese to Jessica. Following dinner, the girl Arepo gives Jessica a crash course in Charonese sexual practices.

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