Wednesday, July 17, 2024


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Rachel Lynch is a grad student at a small college. For most of her life, she has been the victim of other people's needs. But mysteriously that has just changed.


Rachel Lynch. an introverted grad student who has spent most of her young life being a pushover. A walking victim. People took advantage of her, didn't take her seriously, and disposed of her when they got what they wanted from her. So it was a major surprise and shock the day quite by accident, she learned that her days of being taken advantage of were over. It was a new dawn; a new day and she was feeling really good.

 She had been empowered with some strange ability that was going to make Rachel a force to be reckoned with. The first inkling to Rachel that she had her new ability was when her argumentative best friend Beth, uncharacteristically does Rachel's bidding with no pushback. She just dropped everything and set off to do what she was asked. This gets Rachel thinking.

Next, Rachel decides she needs to test her theory of empowerment on the Dean of the College's English department. And mysteriously the Dean acquiesces. Soon, Rachel has anyone she comes in contact with eager to do her bidding. Then a light goes off in Rachel's brain. As a result of her new ability she unintentionally got her best friend Beth in a lot of trouble. After so much trouble Beth is expelled. Rachel determines it is her obligation to fix the problem for her friend and enthusiastically heads out on her mission of mercy. Then she might just work on her lackluster love life after that.

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