Friday, July 12, 2024


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The Genii are an intergalactic race of infertile females. They have scoured the stars for a compatible species to harvest the females to perpetuate their species.


Jennifer and Katie are college gymnasts and live with their coach Alicia during training season. The two girls start to have bad dreams, actually, nightmares, where they have been abducted and subjected to examinations that border on the debauched. Following the dreams, the youngest of the two gymnasts develops a heightened sensitivity to her skin and other parts of her anatomy. It isn't long before she becomes obsessed with self-pleasure and that soon evolves into mutual pleasuring with her teammate.

 The intensity of the sex 'fever' that seems to have taken possession of them, carries over to their coach, Alicia. She too becomes obsessed with masturbation. That develops into a deep-seated lust for her two wards. A lust that Jenny and Katie welcome with open legs. In reality, the erotic dreams are not dreams at all, but rather a neural manipulation of the girl's minds by the desperate species from Genii trying to save their dying species from extinction. Using advanced technology thousands of years beyond anything known to humans, the Genii mentally brought the girls to their spacecraft and then prepared the specimens for impregnation. Using a method that defies all known biological advancements and is so outrageous no one would believe it possible.

 During a routine physical exam by their team physician Nancy Dixon, the doctor becomes suspicious of some of the test results she got from the youngest gymnast. A few days later, the Doctor calls to have Alicia and her students return and to bring a pair of their soiled panties so she can confirm her suspicions. Unbeknownst to Dr. Dixon, Jennifer, Katie, or Alicia, the Aliens have a close watch on them, and Sora, the Alien leader abducts Dr. Dixon before she ruins all the alien plans. The future of Katie and Jennifer is unknown, and Alicia and the Doctor are missing.

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