Something in the 'time space' continuum has threatened to transform the future. Claudia Bailey is sent back in time to the mid-twentieth century to prevent an eighteen-year-old girl, Addison Lane, from changing her lifestyle from bi-sexuality to heterosexuality. If that is not prevented the course of human sexuality will be transformed. The threat is so significant that the Council, whom Claudia answers, unceremoniously takes her away from her budding romance with a new lover Olivia.
When Claudia arrives in the 1950s she inexplicably runs right into her target, tall slender Addison. The Council that charged Claudia with the task provided her with personal caregivers, prying eyes they appear to be parents and a detailed plan of how best to keep Addison on the proper course. Addison and Claudia quickly become friends and Claudia begins utilizing her skills of hypnosis and powers of suggestion to sway Addison and two of her friends to the Sapphic lifestyle.
The plan exceeds all expectations and in short order, Addison is back to following the proper trajectory and all indications are that her transformation will be permanent. The caregivers alert Claudia to the Council's early extraction order and Claudia is soon back to life in the twenty-sixth century and resumes her romance with Olivia.
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